Electric Elevators

 Controllers & Other Devices - Page 3

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 Controllers & Other Devices
Image 61
Otis selector tape
Image provided by: Patrick MaGroen


 Controllers & Other Devices
Image 62
A flyball governor approximately 80 years old
"Boss...I hear a knocking sound every time the car runs!"..."Chip the beam!"
Image provided by: Boris Sergei


 Controllers & Other Devices
Image 63
A secondary space with some sheaves, governors, and devices that
appear to control the mechanical position indicators
Image provided by: Boris Sergei


 Controllers & Other Devices
Image 64
The machine room at the Cabana Hotel - Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.A.
Looks like something out of a bad dream!
(Appear to be Otis controllers...do you know? E-mail me...please)
Image provided by: Roger Stahls


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 I promise to read your e-mail...before I flush it!! E-mail me a link, image, suggestion, or comment!  Masonry construction overlaid with diamond plate for seismic requirements.


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Bob Desnoyers Elevator & Escalator Inspections, Inc.

Vertical Transportation Consultants & Inspectors

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